Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mason Rion Ausderau is here!

Wow what a long time waiting. What an adventure this pregnancy has been for our family. We are so glad to see our precious son! As some of you know what we have been going through here is a few highlights that was the last 2 months of our pregnancy. I was diagnosed with Gestational diabetes and had to start watching everything I hate because Mason was growing big as in size! He was around the 75th percentile on weight at 30 weeks!! Well the week of Thanksgiving he decided to give me some major contractions and I was "forced" by some loving friends up to labor and deliver to get checked out. After a night in the hospital he decided to result in a 3 cm dilation and 60-70 % effaced which equals me to no more work and the one word i never wanted to hear which was BED REST! Oh boy what a challenge it was. I am sure I drove Keith to want to have a few a couple of days of me going stir crazy. No. 1 I hate being confined to one area and No. 2 relying on somebody else to do everything for you. NO THANK YOU! I know understand everybody that has been on bed rest their pain. But I am very thankful for everything that he did during this time. Moving on.....within the next month we went back to the hospital for contractions and other complications a total of 5 times! Yes you read correctly 5 times!! I was frustrated and mad and everything else but knew God was in control and Mason would come when he knew it was right. So finally on our last appointment we were told December 27th would be induced date! YAHOOO!! We see the end!
So on that Monday we drop off our precious son Kameron off with his grandparents and asleep we go since we have to be there so early. Well 9:00 they finally start the drip and by 2:14 we have a precious baby boy. I have to say he was ready to come out! Only took 3 good pushes and there he was. Phew.....what a handsome boy! (I will spare all the other yucky details) His name Mason Rion Ausderau--8lbs 8.5 ozs 22inches long.
You might wonder where his name came from: Keith and I have always liked Mason and talked about it with Kameron but didn't use it, so with this being an option again with having another boy we did! Rion ("ryan") came from my moms father's name "Marion". Mason was due on his birthday, which he passed away before I was born, so we wanted to use something from his name for him. I am a very family oriented person so this was important to me.
Well we are all well, Kameron has adjusted very well even though we might be sleep deprived we are extremely happy!
Thanks everybody for all the well wishes, calls, and visits. We are so blessed! We love you all!!

Keith, Lisa, Kam and Mason =)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Spilling the Beans!

Things are changing in big ways at our house! We are cleaning and getting rid of stuff. You ask why? Well take a precious look at this little boy and think why he is smiling so big after looking at his baby cousin Blake?

Kameron is going to be a big BROTHER!!!

 Keith and I are expecting our 2nd child due December 30th. We are now 16 1/2 weeks along. We have known for a while, since first of May, but since I have had a miscarriage in the past, we wanted to make sure we got out of the first trimester before we made the announcement. Also we had to tell some family members before we shared. Of course we are over joyed about this addition to the family, but it has sure been a rough road for us. I have been non stop sick and still am even being through the first trimester. The month of July has been really rough. 1st weekend of July I ended up in the ER from being sick for 3 days straight without keeping anything down and then again, I was admitted to the hospital yesterday to get more fluids for being sick for 2 days straight. Of course each time the baby was VERY active and the heartbeat was strong, but it has sure put a toll on Keith, Kameron and I and even Nathan and Madi when they are up here. I haven't been able to do things that I have normally done and we are ready for this stage of the pregnancy to be over with! Please keep us in your prayers as we adjust and make room for another baby in the house!

Of course we have wishes on this baby...but we are yet to share. I have another doctor's appointment at the end of this month and hopefully we will find out what "baby" is this appointment or next. Of course me being me, IMPATIENT, I am dying to know. I will be happy with either one, but wishing for a certain gender-- we are just wanting healthy!!

Of course when we explain to Kameron, he doesn't understand completely what we are telling him, but when my sister had her baby recently we knew he would be a GREAT brother! He was blowing kisses, with a HUGE smile and wanting to see baby Blake and still does. We can't wait to share this adventure together and with our families.

Thanks again for all the prayers and thoughts, they are much appreciated and we are so overjoyed to share this WONDERFUL news with you all.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Back to blogging

Hello to all! Yes, its been a while, which you would think that things have slowed down! Not at all. With a 19 month old, I don't think time ever stops! Kameron is growing like a weed and no longer looks like a young baby. He looks like a little boy and impresses us everyday on things he can do and new words he tends to pick up. We just got back from vacation with my family, and boy did he have a blast! It wasn't a fast past vacation, but enjoyed spending time with everybody. Of course no vacation of the Page's never ends without a bang! My sister that was due August 13th ended up with a c-section on Sunday July 10th due to her placenta being torn. Thank goodness all is well with little tiny Blake Preston and my sissy! Thanks everybody who has sent their prayers her way which were much needed!
Here is a great picture of baby Blake! 5lbs 6 ozs 18 1/2 inches long. Now only weighing a big 5lbs.

On the other hand...Kameron-- he is now 19 months old, and the last time he went to the doctor, he weighed 24lbs 32 1/2 inches long and i can't remember his head, but it was basically as the doctor states it, he can't decided what he wants to be an average head, being tall, and underweight. UNDERWEIGHT!! that boy is Heavy! We feel like we are carrying about 30lbs daily! But being He is so active and eating all the time I guess we will believe the 24lbs. He is always on the go, loves to push buttons, not only on his mommy and daddy, but tv's, phones, dvd, wii, anything he can get his hands on. Why can't they just play with the 5000 toys that he is spoiled with we are still uncertain! Here is a picture of him on our Vacation.
                                                      Playing at Dollywood in a water area. This boy LOVES water!

                                              At The pool, momma is this water going to get me?
                                             Riding the Dollywood Train--with his bruise #1 from Vaca

With summer still going strong, we will try to be more updated on our handsome little boy! (okay Monica??) Kameron's brother and sister, Nathan and Madi, will be coming to stay with us for a few weeks so we will have plenty of stories to tell, I am sure.

Ending remarks that I have learned and experienced recently: Enjoy each and everyday with the people you love because you never know when it might change, for the good or bad!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who likes FREE Stuff??

What is one thing that you look forward to getting in the mail at Christmas? Me its Christmas Cards!! Shutterfly is offering to bloggers 50 FREE Christmas Cards!!! Yes People FREE!! Who wouldn't want that?? I always order my Christmas Cards through Shutterfly. For one it goes to Target and people that now me, I am obsessed with Target and also Shutterfly has great products and its so EASY!

Shutterfly is so easy to use and they make the best gifts. We always love to do the photo albums of the trips we take or the holidays we share with our families. You can make books, prints, canvas, coffee mugs, calendars, invitations and much more! If you are like my family and enjoy taking pictures and doing stuff with them, you will be addicted to this website like I am. You can even share them one a Website for everybody to see!! Its Wonderful!

Here is one greeting card we made of kameron, turning 6 months:
Here a few of my favorites for this year choices!! I can not wait to start looking and added our pictures to see what cards are going to make the cut! I will be sure to show you our final decision! You can take a look yourself at all of their Christmas Cards. AND they are on SALE!!! Who doesn't like a sale with great products??

Just remember its a quick Upload! Takes a few minutes to gather your pictures and decide what card you are wanting and mail away!!

Also remember about all the great gifts they have!! I know I will be doing one of these one day! Who doesn't love canvas?

Go here People!! Bloggers get 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly… learn more:  Dont wait!!

Blog away people so you can get 50 free cards too!!! Thanks to Melissa, The longs in Italy I would have never know about this without her post!! YOU ROCK GIRL!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Its Party Time

Well its Holiday Season and for this household its also a birthday month. Kameron will be ONE on November 30th. I can't believe how fast this day is finally here!! He is changing everyday in front of our eyes. He received his first haircut a few weeks ago and it made him look like such a young boy. It amazes me everyday things he has learned. Here are just a few: He high fives, sings to certain commericals on TV, Does the sound of a Gamecock, loves watching football with Keith and I, loves patty cake and will rather play with cars and trucks than any other toys he has.
Keith and I were looking back at some pictures when he was first born and we were so amazed how much he looks different.. You take a look:

This is his hospital Picture
 11 Months Old

Is this really the same child?! YEP!! Hard to believe. We are very excited about his birthday party which will be just a small gathering at our house with family and a few friends at our house. I am doing birthday on a budget so I am making most of  the stuff for the party, aka invitations, cake, food, decorations. We will see how this will turn out, but thankful to have my crafty sister to help me with ideas and setting up. Yes I am surprised that I went with a themed birthday party, because I hate themed/characters stuff, but this themed is off of one of my favorite books since I was a little girl. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. Well I know its corney but Kameron has turned into a beautiful butterfly!!
Well before we have his party, we have to tackle Thanksgiving, which is going to be different for us Page girls this year. We are staying here in Tenn at my moms house. This will be the first Thanksgiving that we have had that my Moms side of the family isn't going to be there. I know it will still be a great day but a little sad too. Can you believe that its only a week and a half away??

Have a great Weekend!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

11 Months

Its hard to believe that Kameron's birthday is ONE month away!! I am in total surprise on how fast this past year has gone by. I am in the process of planning his first birthday, which will be very small, but was looking at all of his newborn pics. Its hard to believe how much he has changed since day 1! We have added a few words to our vocabulary: Yesssssss and Uh-oh. That boy is a jaber mouth. I have no idea where he gets that from =)

We are very exicted about Halloween and taking the all 3 of the kids to Fenders Farm tonight. Will post pics later. We hope everybody has a very safe night and enjoy time with the family!
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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Phew...Is it really October?

Well Kameron is now 10 months old! Can you really believe that? Time has sure FLOWN by. He still has ZERO teeth. I think he might be 3 years old before he gets any. He is still pulling up and crawling around the house like a dog on steroids but is trying to walk. He is such a happy baby. He laughs at everything. He points a lot and says a few words including "what". I think we need to work on the manners. hehe  Kameron also loves the outdoors. This weekend we have Keith's kids, Nathan and Madi and we took them to Bays Mountain which was a great day because the weather was beautiful! We had a wonderful picnic and while we were eating some 3 wild deer wanted to join...ummm..not happening! But the kids loved it. Here are a few pictures from our wonderful day.

Kameron talking to the turtles

Keith Nathan and Madi looking at the wolfs.

 Keith and I

Nathan Madi and Kameron

 Nathan and Madi